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The Little White Bird By J.M. Barrie

The Little White Bird

By J.M. Barrie

  • Release Date: 2017-06-14
  • Genre: Classics
  • $0.99


This classic novel by J. M. Barrie is distinguished for introducing the author's most famous character - Peter Pan.
Published shortly after the turn of the 20th century, The Little White Bird differs from several other works by Barrie in that it ranges between both fantasy and social commentary carrying noticeably darker themes. The social element wasn't as well-regarded as the fantasy portions, which resulted in J. M. Barrie changing his writing direction to better suit children. 
The story itself is set in London, with an element of time travel comprising much of the plot. The most notable parts are the middle chapters, wherein Peter Pan is introduced within a portion of the tale set in Kensington Gardens.  
The entire tale is narrated in the first person by a character known simply as 'Captain W.' , whom most critics of the text have identified as Barrie with a thin veneer. David, a young boy, and his mother Mary also feature in the tale, wherein Captain W. shows the lad the faeries and pixies that appear in Kensington Gardens.