Home / Six Scary Stories
Six Scary Stories
selected and introduced by Stephen King
Number 1 bestselling horror author Stephen King introduces and presents six gripping and chilling stories in this captivating anthology!
Stephen King discovered these stories when he judged a competition run by Hodder & Stoughton and the Guardian to celebrate publication of his own collection The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. He was so impressed with the entries that he recommended they be published together in one book, which Cemetery Dance Publications and Hodder & Stoughton are pleased to report has become a reality. The six stories are:
WILD SWIMMING by Elodie Harper
EAU-DE-ERIC by Manuela Saragosa
THE SPOTS by Paul Bassett Davies
THE UNPICKING by Michael Button
LA MORT DE L'AMANT by Stuart Johnstone
THE BEAR TRAP by Neil Hudson
Reader beware: the stories will make you think twice before cuddling up to your old soft toy, dipping your toe into the water or counting the spots on a leopard…