Home / 120 Days of Sodom

120 Days of Sodom By Marquis de Sade

120 Days of Sodom

By Marquis de Sade

  • Release Date: 2013-02-18
  • Genre: Erotica
  • $0.99
Score: 1.5
From 8 Ratings


The 120 Days of Sodom by Marquis de Sade relates the story of four wealthy men who enslave 24 mostly teenaged victims and sexually torture them while listening to stories told by old prostitutes. The book was written while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille and the manuscript was lost during the storming of the Bastille. Sade wrote that he "wept tears of blood" over the manuscript's loss. Many consider this to be Sade crowing acheivement.


  • No.

    By TrobleMakerM
    I agree the mind that this had to be the most twisted individual enjoyed the most gruesome of things I believe including children. anyone who would write this in this day and age would definitely I have committed some sort of crime. chapters of the book are about all the ways a man can eat A child's feces. definitely a lot of torture and abuse and some things that I literally just skipped past because it was too difficult to read either for it being far too disgusting or far too sad to imagine something like that being done to a child. although if you are a twisted individual and are not easily influenced by other people's ideas you might enjoy it. just don't act anything out we have enough of these individuals in this world already. lol