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My Mistress' Thighs By Giselle Renarde

My Mistress' Thighs

By Giselle Renarde

  • Release Date: 2016-05-15
  • Genre: Erotica
  • $7.99


Erotic Transgender Fiction and Poetry

Rainbow Awards Honourable Mention

A cross-dressing cowboy, a post-war pin-up, and a wolf in grandmother's clothing all find a special home in My Mistress' Thighs.

This collection of erotic trans and genderqueer fiction makes room for everyone. There's a secret solstice sacrifice, a case of spring fever, an online romance, and a Wednesday night dinner routine that's anything but dull.

From the timid closet dresser of Love in the Time of Instant Messenger to the post-op rodeo queen of Leslie Goosemoon Rides Again, all who seek love find it in the world of Giselle Renarde Erotica.