Home / World Famous Stories (ESL/EFL Version with Audio)
This is Book 5, Collection II, of the Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) readers. It is suitable for learners with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words.
Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) is a reading project for ESL/EFL learners at the elementary level (with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words). In two years, for about fifteen minutes each day, an ESL/EFL learner can read one million words, and reach the upper-intermediate level, gaining a vocabulary of about 3,500 words and a large number of expressions.
[Text Information]
Readability | 84.02
Total word count | 32308
Words beyond 1500 | 1511
Unknown word percentage (%) | 4.68
Unknown headword occurrence | 3.21
Unknown words that occur 5 times or more | 91
Unknown words that occur 2 times or more | 260
The stories are rewritten from “Fifty Famous Stories Retold” and “Thirty more Famous Stories Retold” by James Baldwin (1841-1925), famous American educator and author. These include short stories about famous heroes and their romantic tales, as well as many other interesting tales. These stories have been enjoyed by people and many of them have been used in TEFL (teaching of English as a foreign language) in many countries.