SNAPPER By Leonid Andreyev


By Leonid Andreyev

  • Release Date: 2015-10-22
  • Genre: Short Stories
  • $5.99


«Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev (1871-1919) was a Russian playwright and short-story writer who led the Expressionist movement in the national literature. He was active between the revolution of 1905 and the Communist revolution which finally overthrew the Tsarist government.
Distraught with fear he would dart about from side to side, and stumbling against the fences and people's legs, would run as as fast as he could to the end of the village, and hide himself in the depths of a large garden in a place known only to himself. Dwellers of the village hated hounding him with stones and sticks. What happened to him? Read the story to know!»