Home / Adventures and Western. Book 13
Adventures and Western. Book 13: 1. The Rangeland Avenger; 2. The Quest of Lee Garrison; 3. The Power of Prayer.
1. The Rangeland Avenger: Published -1922.
If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you'll like The Rangeland Avenger by Max Brand. A soft spoken but ruthless gunman cuts a path of deadly payback across the Wild West in this exciting adventure.
"And maybe I ain't. Sinclair brushed the entire argument away into a thin mist of smoke. "Now, look here, Cold Feet, I'm about to go to sleep, and when I sleep, I sure sleep sound, taking it by and large. They's times when I don't more'n close one eye all night, and they's times when you'd have to pull my eyes open, one by one, to wake me up. Understand? I'm going to sleep the second way tonight. About eight hours of the soundest sleep you ever heard tell of..."
2. The Quest of Lee Garrison: Published -1923.
Quiet, dreamy Lee Garrison had been content with his roaming life as a fence rider until the night a dying Indian stumbled into his dugout. The man had traveled a thousand miles trying to run down Moonshine, the wild gray stallion no one could catch. Garrison, his imagination fired by a single glimpse of the elusive mustang, took up the chase. Days lengthened into weeks, but where Moonshine went, Garrison followed. Determined to die rather than give up, he struggled on foot across deserts and badlands deep into mountain ranges. Then at last he and the stallion met in a foreordained conflict -- a dangerous battle that would have a strange result.
3. The Power of Prayer: Published - 1922.
This is the tale of a gentleman gunman and the darkness of the soul, published under the author's pen name John Frederick.
Two men and a girl in a love triangle; deception, truth, sacrifice and a prayer - all that in a western novel, written by one of the most prominent authors of western genre - Max Brand.
"One could not say that it was love of one's native country which brought Gerald home again. It would be more accurate to say that it was the only country where his presence did not create too much heat for comfort. In the past ten years, forty nations—no less—had been honored by the coming of Gerald and had felt themselves still more blessed, perhaps, by his departure unannounced. Into the history of forty nations he had written his name, and now he was come back to the land and the very region of his birth..."