Home / Apron Strings and Wedding Rings
If you’re not ready to commit to the entire What Do Lesbians Do In Bed? anthology, no problem! Enjoy a quick taste of Sapphic sexiness with the SINGLES series!
In Apron Strings and Wedding Rings, Wendy wants everything to be perfect: the full June Cleaver get-up, ham and potatoes in the oven, everything ready to go for when her wife arrives home. But when Rae gets a load of Wendy dressed in an apron and heels, she laughs her butt off. This isn't something they've talked about, and though Rae goes along with her punishment by wooden spoon, she can't let the evening pass by without asking some difficult questions.
With bonus spanking story Saucy Cheeks!
Giselle Renarde’s erotic fiction has appeared in over 100 anthologies, including prestigious collections like Best Lesbian Erotica, Best Lesbian Romance, Best Women’s Erotica, Girl Fever, and the Lambda Award-winning collection Wild Girls, Wild Nights.