The twisted kidnapper, the Bad Man, plays out a bizarre family drama with the captive Tefé. Both Swamp Thing and the monster Les Perdu are on the trail...along with a mysterious ally from the Parliament of Trees.
Nancy A. Collins, Gail Simone, Devin Grayson, John Shirley, Steve Bissette, Elaine Lee, Denis St. John, Joe R. Lansdale, Eric Trautmann, Stuart Moore, Jack Jadson, Ronilson Freire, Elmo Eklabuz, Bilquis Evely, Eman Casallos, Mirka Andolfo & Chad Shepherd
Michael Avon Oeming, Christos Gage, Dan Brereton, Nancy A. Collins, Jim Zub, Jen Van Meter, Marc Mason, Scott Beatty, Ron Adrian, Adriano Batista, Edgar Salazar, Cris Bolson, Lui Antonio, Noah Salonga, Jonathan Lau, Fritz Casas, Stephen Sadowski, Pablo Marcos & Edu Menna
Stephen Jones, K.W. Jetter, Ramsey Campbell, Kathe Koja, Alan Brennert, Robert McCammon, Steve Rasnic Tem, Douglas Clegg, Robert Johnson, S. P. Somtow, Kim Newman, Edward Bryant, Nancy A. Collins, Charles L. Grant, Grant Morrison, Elizabeth Hand, David J. Schow, Russell Flinn, Thomas Ligotti, Joel Lane, Nicholas Royle, Norman Partridge, William F. Nolan, David Starkey, Karl Edward Wagner, Michael Marshall Smith, Dennis Etchison, J. L. Comeau, Thomas Tessier & Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Anthony Rivera, Sharon Lawson, Jonathan Maberry, Graham Masterton, Ray Garton, Tim Lebbon, Yvonne Navarro, Nancy A. Collins, Lucy Taylor, Ed Kurtz, Durand Sheng Walsh, Joe McKinney, William Meikle, John McCallum Swain, James Lowder, Charles Austin Muir, Erik Williams & Grey Matter Press