Home / Complete Western Romance Humor of Owen Wister
An American writer and "father" of western fiction. He is best remembered for writing The Virginian, although he never wrote about the West afterwards.
The Virginian, A Horseman Of The Plains
The Dragon of Wantley
The Jimmyjohn Boss and Other Stories
Red Men and White
Lady Baltimore
Lin McLean
Padre Ignacio,Or The Song of Temptation
Philosophy 4, A Story of Harvard University
A Straight Deal, or The Ancient Grudge
The Pentecost of Calamity
How Doth the Simple Spelling Bee
Lady Baltimore -
In a southern city called Kings Port, where conservativism and old-fashioned customs have remained from before the Civil War, a young man from the north sojourns within its sacred limits -- and into the inner circles of socity.
New York of the present day is the background for a pretty love story, rudely interrupted by a disastrous speculation in Wall Street which the hero undertakes in order to get money enough to marry his fiancée. An unscrupulous broker induces him to buy as an investment certain stocks upon representations by the broker that he had bought the same stocks for "mother." He loses all, and it is only after trial and disappointment that the lovers are finally happily united.
Padre Ignacio-
The story of a parish on the California coast, where Padre Ignacio, once a member of the gay world of Paris, has found "contentment in renunciation." The death of his beloved wife had led him into the priesthood and this out-of-the-way sheepfold.
Red Men and White-
These eight stories are made from our Western Frontier as it was in a past as near as yesterday and almost as by-gone as the Revolution; so swiftly do we proceed. They belong to each other in a kinship of life and manners, and a little through the nearer tie of having here and there a character in common. Thus they resemble faintly the separate parts of a whole, and gain, perhaps, something of the invaluable weight of length; and they have been received by my closest friends with suspicion.
A Straight Deal-
A striking presentation of facts about the British Empire, a plea for a better understanding of the English by Americans and a powerful argument for Anglo-American friendship. Mr. Wister's new book is destined to arouse the same country-wide discussion as did "The Pentecost of Calamity." A book for all Americans, one that no one who prides himself on being a good citizen can afford to ignore.
The Virginian-
Widely regarded as being the first American western novel, this loosely constructed story of a naturally aristocratic cowboy is set against the Johnson County War.