Home / Ohio Plants

Ohio Plants By Cynthia L. Dassler

Ohio Plants

By Cynthia L. Dassler

  • Release Date: 2015-07-16
  • Genre: Nature
  • Free


Ohio Plants describes the characters, and the economic and ecological importance of common plant families in Ohio. It was created by the students of the Ohio Plants class, EEOB 2210, in the Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology Department at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The students generated all of the text and pictures de novo using mobile phones and iPads. The text is meant to be a learning experience for the students of Ohio Plants. New content and revisions will be added by each new class of Ohio Plants students, with the expectation that each new edition of the book encompasses a greater diversity of ideas and is more refined than the previous. The book is meant to be a learning tool for the students who created the book, for future students, and for those of you who would like to use all or part of the book as a learning tool for students worldwide.