Home / Philosophical Stories: Stories with deeper meaning

Philosophical Stories: Stories with deeper meaning By Alexander Kuprin, Ambrose Bierce, Anatole France, Daniel D, Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Heinrich Heine, Herman Melville, Mary Butts, Vladimir Korolenko & Voltaire

Philosophical Stories: Stories with deeper meaning

By Alexander Kuprin, Ambrose Bierce, Anatole France, Daniel D, Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Heinrich Heine, Herman Melville, Mary Butts, Vladimir Korolenko & Voltaire

  • Release Date: 2024-08-01
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2024 Deadtree Publishing
  • $16.99


We love reason, advancing through facts to reach a conclusion that explains exactly where we are at.
When literary masters create their stories on this theme we are left with some quite brilliant and riveting works that help us gain fascinating insight into both author, story and the world beyond.

1 - Philosophical Stories - An Introduction

2 - In the Penal Colony by Franz Kafka

3 - Bartleby the Scrivener - Part 1 by Herman Melville

4 - Bartleby the Scrivener - Part 2 by Herman Melville

5 - The Dream of a Ridiculous Man by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

6 - Parker Adderson, Philosopher by Ambrose Bierce

7 - Dickory Cronke, The Dumb Philosopher or Great Britain's Wonder by Daniel D

8 - Plato's Dream by Voltaire

9 - The Shades, A Phantasy by Vladimir Korolenko

10 - Gods in Exile by Heinrich Heine

11 - An Evening Guest by Alexander Kuprin

12 - Bellerophon To Anteia by Mary Butts

13 - Putois by Anatole France

14 - The Lightning Rod Man by Herman Melville

15 - Moxon's Master by Ambrose Bierce

16 - A Country Doctor by Franz Kafka


Title Writer
Philosophical Stories: Stories with deep Alexander Kuprin, Ambrose Bierce, Anatole France, Daniel D, Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Heinrich Heine, Herman Melville, Mary Butts, Vladimir Korolenko & Voltaire