Home / Relaxing-PURE... with hypnosis
Are you suffering from inner tension, stress, hectic paces and professional strain? The hypnosis "Relaxing-PURE" - specifically developed for this purpose - doesn't only allow you to reach a rarely experienced state of relaxation, but is also instructing you to enjoy your life in a relaxed way from now on... Stress situations won't be recognized as such in the future. An advantage you shouldn't miss out on! Feeling relaxed permanently... After repeated application - and through posthypnotic suggestions - an automatism will result which makes it easier for you to stay calm and relaxed in frantic situations! Give yourself the permission to escape your stress and to enjoy the advantages of a relaxed life! Use the effect of this hypnosis audiobook to live a relaxed way of life! Let trance and suggestions have a positive impact in you! Hersteller: Michael Bauer Hinter der Veste 2 D - 92224 Amberg E-mail: kontakt@hypnose-cd-download.com (Keine Anwendung bei sehr niedrigem Blutdruck, Herz,-Kreislauferkrankungen, Anfallskrankheiten wie z.B. Epilepsie oder Asthma oder/und schwerwiegenden psychischen Krankheiten und allen Aktivitäten, welche Ihre volle Aufmerksam erfordern, wie zum Beispiel Autofahren).