Home / Strengthen your self-esteem: Get a higher self-confidence through hypnosis
A lot of people have a weakly developed sense of self-confidence. Often the self-confidence to dedicate oneself to the matters of life filled with verve is missing. There's some inhibiting threshold... Do you feel personally addressed? Are you suffering from some kind of lack of self-confidence? Let this comfortable state of trance takes it over to clear this blockade and to walk the path to a more self-confident life of yours, filled with self-esteem! Learn to take yourself as you are and to improve your emanation, your natural behavior and your way of dealing with other people, conversations and situations at the same time! Have fun in life and experience a deep inner harmony! Through the application of this hypnosis you'll experience a real added value! Thinking, talking and feeling will match your inner self! Live your life with strength, confidence and joy! Listen to the hypnosis daily in the beginning, if possible. A newly gained self-confidence und self-esteem will come soon... Hersteller: Michael Bauer Hinter der Veste 2 D - 92224 Amberg E-mail: kontakt@hypnose-cd-download.com (Keine Anwendung bei sehr niedrigem Blutdruck, Herz,-Kreislauferkrankungen, Anfallskrankheiten wie z.B. Epilepsie oder Asthma oder/und schwerwiegenden psychischen Krankheiten und allen Aktivitäten, welche Ihre volle Aufmerksam erfordern, wie zum Beispiel Autofahren).