Home / Exploring Fractal Time: Choice Points
In times of great pain and upheaval, people's minds turn to "the end of the world". According to author Gregg Braden, this is one of those historical moments - a period of change and turmoil that summons intense anxiety and causes us to wonder if we are approaching the culmination of human history. And yet, many cultures both ancient and contemporary believe that there is no such thing as an end time - that in fact, history doesn't move in a straight line toward a single destination, but in a series of ever-more-complicated fractal cycles.
In Exploring Fractal Time: Choice Points, Gregg explores the concept of cyclical time through the philosophies of ancient and indigenous peoples from the Andes, Tibet, and Mesoamerica. Gregg concludes that we are indeed headed toward a period of momentous global change - one that offers humanity the opportunity to embrace the next stage of our evolutionary potential. Over the course of three fascinating sessions, Gregg explains the concept of choice points, how we can fully take advantage of these fulcrum moments, and how understanding the true shape of history will allow us to step confidently into a brighter future.