Home / June 2017
In this issue:
"100 Days in, Few Clues about Trump's Tech Agenda" by Mike Orcutt.
"Finding Solace in Defeat by Artificial Intelligence" by Brenden Lake.
"Facebook's Sci-Fi Plan for Typing with Your Mind and Hearing with Your Skin" by Rachel Metz.
"Google's Health Study Seeks 10,000 Volunteers to Give Up Their Medical Secrets" by Antonio Regalado.
"Engineering the Perfect Astronaut" by Antonio Regalado.
"With Neuralink, Elon Musk Promises Human-to-Human Telepathy. Don't Believe It." by Antonio Regalado.
"The World's Largest Electric Vehicle Maker Hits a Speed Bump" by Laurie Burkitt.
"Reinventing Rice for a World Transformed by Climate Change" by James Temple.
"Scientists Consider Brighter Clouds to Preserve the Great Barrier Reef" by James Temple.